Now is the right time to pursue your dream.
We are well into the new year and many are holding on to a goal or a dream they have promised themselves to accomplIsh last year – two years ago – five years ago.
Well it’s time to DREAM BIG!
How great would life look if there was nothing holding you back? How amazing would it be if there were no restrictions on your time, resources, and ability to dream big about that business, that book, or birthing that ministry, or not-for-profit that will serve as a platform from which you desire to help others. Listen! All good things take time and it will take strategic focus to keep the vision for your dream alive.
What are the keys to doing this?
1. Begin with a plan describing your vision and mission.
2. Consider what makes your business different from others with a similar purpose.
3. Think about what problem you are solving.
4. Make a written list of partners/supporters who can help you fulfill your vision.
We need visions of larger things, visions for the unfolding of worthwhile things.
– Mary McLeod Bethune-
It is important that we set before our eyes visions of BIG DREAMS. The kind of dreams that will stretch us beyond our comfort level into to the realm where we realize that we can not do it alone. The scripture in HABAKKUK 2:2 gives us some great advice as to how will see the unfolding of our dream – – write the vision and make it plain.
If you feel you need that extra push to see your dream come alive, get in touch with me. I will be glad to help you get clarity on your purpose and/or ideas.
You Flourish