Author: <span>Donna Neil</span>

Make it Count!

Whether large or small, in your “now” or future plans, everyone, on a day to day basis, has dreams and goals they need a bit of hope for. Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and don’t depend on your own understanding…(Proverbs 3:5).

Permission Granted

Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come.

Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears and pain you have overcome have given you permission to have a seat and sip some tea.

Listen! The battle was never yours! Stay strong in God. There is nothing to fear.

You Flourish!

Faith UpLift

When you are hungry, it helps to know how to cook. So it is when you need to build your level of faith — one needs to know how to dig in the Word of God for spiritual sustenance for the soul and mind. Let’s make it a priority to …

Believe in Your Future

Believe in your future! God never asked us to hustle for the Kingdom.  He instructed us to occupy until He comes.   The hustle is a taskmaster which can often leave us physically, emotionally, and, spiritually drained. However if you tap into God’s rhythm and pace for your life, you’ll …

Dream Big!

Now is the right time to pursue your dream.   We are well into the new year and many are  holding on to a goal or a dream they have promised themselves to accomplIsh last year – two years ago – five years ago.   Well it’s time to DREAM …