Each Day Is A Gift!

Each Day Is A Gift!


Every day we have an opportunity to live the way God wants us to live – securely in His will. From the moment the sun rises above the earth, every minute is flooded with the light of a new day.

“From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised (Psalm 113:3, NIV).”

There can be no replay of this day. No modification. No rewriting of the script engraved in these hours.

We only have the hours given to us, which have been painted in the eternity of time, to make a contribution of value, or do only what is ineffective or is vain.

Each day is a gift to you! What will you do with it?

Take some time to consider how you can use each day to – adjust negative attitudes or put on a brighter perspective. Make each day count!

You Flourish!