Author: <span>Donna Neil</span>

Live Your Life

Nobody’s life is perfect! However, it is reeing to realize that God works through imperfect people. When others may write you off, it is wonderful to realize that if He so cares about imperfect people, then He cares about you and me. He cares enough to help us to change …

Grab on to Love not Performance

  At this time of the year, many are offering and receiving well deserved congratulatory wishes for their accomplishments or performance; whether it be for academic, career, life-stage transition, or elevation in a spiritual calling. All such accomplishments are worthy of great applause for those who have pursued their goals and …

No Surprises Here!

              As women, we can easily relate to one another because, although our circumstances may be different, the needs of women have been constant. We all want to feel loved and validated. We have fears, worries, and come face to face with discouragement at times. …

Never Stop Dreaming

It’s a new season, new week, and a new day! I am sensing excitement the air as we look forward to the coming Spring. This new season provides an opportunity for refreshing, renewal, and new growth. As seeds or roots which lay dormant beneath winter’s blanket of snow; these same seeds ready themselves to …