Hey! Trust Me!

Hey! Trust Me!

Hey Trust Me

How often have you heard someone say “Trust me”, only to have them disappoint you in a big way? It kind of leaves you discouraged and questioning whether there is anyone you can really trust. Yes, we all have certain people in whom we can confide in – close friends, family or a significant other. These are the ones in whom you can trust with your hopes and dreams and as such, are considered special.

Proverbs 3:5 invites us to “Trust in the Lord with all our heart and not depend on our own understanding”.  What? God wants us to trust Him?  You may be thinking to yourself – “If it is not easy to trust someone who I see, then how can I trust in someone who I do not see?”

Psalms 20:7 says, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God.” If you are struggling with trusting God because of disappointments in your past, spend some time in honest reflection on the following questions:

  1. What may be keeping me from trusting God?
  2. What would it take to get me back on the right track in trusting Him?
  3. Am I leaning on my own understanding?
  4. How can I strengthen my trust in the Lord?

Trust me! After you have reflected on this for a while, you may find the answers you desire and your paths will be made straight.